Click in the Properties dialog box and enter the following: Enter the section properties by entry types.
Select the section to be modified from the list in the Section dialog box and click to modify the related data.
Select the section to be deleted from the list in the Section dialog box and click .
Select the section to be copied from the list in the Section dialog box and click .
Click and select the MCB file containing the section data or specify a file name then click 
Select the section property numbers to be renumbered from the list in the Properties dialog box and modify the related data
followed by clicking . [Details]
Section ID
Section number (Auto-set to the last section number +1)
Up to 999999 Section ID's can be assigned.
Section name (Sect. Name by default if not specified)
Display the section Offset currently set. Location of the Centroid of a section is set as default. Click to specify a section Offset away from the Centroid. Use Hidden to verify the input.
Consider Shear Deformation
Select whether to consider shear deformation. This option will be applicable for structural analysis, but will not affect the effective shear areas that appear by clicking .
Consider Warping Effect (7th DOF)
Select whether to consider warping effect. In case of non-uniform torsion which occurs when warping deformation is constrained, torque is resisted by St.Venant torsional shear stress & warping torsion. The effects of warping torsion can be simulated in 1D beam elements for more accurate results in case of the curved member, eccentric loading, and difference in centroid and shear center.
When “Consider Warping Effect(7th DOF)” is considered, warping constant (Iw), warping function (w1, w2, w3, w4), and shear strain due to twisting moment (γxy1, γxy2, γxy3, γxy4, γxz1, γxz2, γxz3, γxz4) can be checked in Section Properties dialog box.
Note. Applicable element types, boundary conditions and analysis type
Applicable element type: General beam/Tapered beam
Applicable boundary condition: Supports, Beam End Release
Applicable analysis type : Linear Static , Eigenvalue , Response Spectrum, Construction Stage Analysis
Related post-processing: Reactions, Displacements, Beam Forces/Moments, Beam Stresses
Section Properties
Click to display the section property data. The section property data table is either calculated from the main dimensions or obtained from the DB depending on the method of data entry. [Details]
Note 1
All the above section property data except for Area and Peri are required for beam elements.
Note 2
The shear deformations are neglected if the effective shear areas are not specified. Cyp, Cym, Czp and Czm are used to calculate the bending stresses. Qyb and Qzb are used to calculate the shear stresses. Peri is used to calculate the Painting Area.
Note 3
Zyy and Zzz are used to calculate the strength for pushover analysis when Value Type Steel Section has been assigned Design > Pushover Analysis > Define Hinge Properties.
Note 4 Element Stiffness data
Sections can be defined by the stiffness data entries even if the section dimensions (H, B1, ... , etc.) are not entered.
Area (Cross-Sectional Area)
Effective Shear Areas (Asy, Asz)
Torsional Resistance (Ixx)
The torsional resistance of the closed section (hatched part)
The torsional resistance of the open sections (unhatched parts)
The total resistance of the built-up section
Area Moment of Inertia (Iyy, Izz)
Area moment of inertia about the ECS y-axis
Area Product Moment of Inertia (Iyz)
First Moment of Area (Qy, Qz)
Shear Factor for Shear Stress (Qyb, Qzb)
Stiffness of Composite Sections
Note 5
Determining the positions of y1~4, z1~4 of a section imported from SPC [Details]
Section Type