Parameters of Soil Properties




Set soil properties for the calculation of static earth pressure.




From the Main Menu select Load > Static Load > Lateral > Earth Pressure > Parameters of Soil Properties




Soil Properties Name


Define soil property name.



Soil Level


Set the level (GCS Z-axis) of ground, footing bottom, and bedrock


Ground Level:Level of ground surface

Bottom Level of Footing : Level of footing bottom

Bedrock Level : Level of Bedrock



Soil Parameters


Soil characteristics can be specified.


Height : soil layer thickness


No.of Copies : It can be defined by considering the number of repetitions for which the thickness is set.


Use N Value: Use N value instead of internal friction angle (Angle). If N is entered, the friction angle is calculated and applied using the following formula.



(The formula suggested by Dunham: when the particle size is poor and the earth particles are round)


Level: The location of the soil layer, automatically calculated by considering the soil thickness from the ground level entered in the soil levels.


Angle: Internal friction angle of soil (degree)


Density: Unit volume weight of soil.

 It must follow the soil quality test value, but if there is no test value, 1700~1800kg/m3 of normal soil and good quality soil can be used.