Element Stiffness Scale Factor



Apply scale factors to the cross-sectional linear elements (Truss, Tension-only, Compression-only, Cable, Gap, Hook & Beam Elements). Specific stiffness of specific member  types may be reduced such as the case where the flexural stiffness of lintel beams and walls may require reduction to reflect cracked sections of concrete


Select a boundary group in which the Element Stiffness Scale Factors will be included. Using anlaysis (Analysis >Boundary Change Assignment to Load Cases/Analysis),function. different Element Stiffness Scale Factors can be assigned to different load cases.


In the case of members that has the Section Stiffness Scale Factor and the Element Stiffness Scale Factor set as overlapping, the set value of the Element Stiffness Scale Factor is followed.




From the Main Menu select Properties > Section > Scale Factor > Element Stiffness Scale Factor.




Boundary Load Group Name


Boundary Group Name: Select a Boundary Group defined in Model > Group > Define Boundary Group. If a Boundary Group has not been defined, specify default.





Add/Replace: Add new  scale factors to selected  elements, or replace previously defined stiffness scale factors.


Delete: Delete stiffness scale factors previously assigned to specific elements. 



  Scale Factor


Enter the required scale factors to be applied to each stiffness component.


I = J : Applicable only for tapered sections. Section Stiffness Scale Factors at I-end and J-end can be different.  


Area: Cross-sectional area


Asy: Effective Shear Area resisting shear forces in the element local y-axis


Asz: Effective Shear Area resisting shear forces in the element local z-axis


Ixx: Torsional Resistance about the element local x-axis


Iyy: Area Moment of Inertia about the element local y-axis


Izz: Area Moment of Inertia about the element local z-axis


Weight: Cross-sectional area used for calculating self-weight


 Add or modify reduced stiffness data of each member type in a spreadsheet format table.



Copy & Paste and Edit the data in MS-Excel.



Composite Section


For sections defined as Composite Type, Scale Factors can be defined for Before (before composite action), After (after composite action) and All.


Before: In case of a composite section, the defined Scale Factor is used to calculate section forces and stresses before

composite action


After: In case of a composite section, the defined Scale Factor is used to calculate section forces and stresses after composite



All: In case All (Before and After) is checked on, the defined Scale Factor is used to calculate section forces and stresses before

and after composite action



When a ratio of Modulus of Elasticity for long term and shrinkage is defined in Section Data, the structure group for long term and shrinkage is automatically generated, and the applied scale factors for each are displayed